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Árbol de Cos

A collection of links to Internet resources for medical translators and writers

Laura Munoa (compiler), assisted by Fernando Campos Leza and María Hernández Weigand

Version 1.17, July 2023

Árbol de Cos is a large database containing links to useful online resources for biomedical translators and writers.

Each entry shows the name of the resource, URL, author or originator, format, languages, terms of access and a brief description. Each resource is also tagged by type, language, genre, specialty, etc., so you can compare it with similar resources using these criteria. Searches are simple and user friendly. Find related information quickly, moving from one resource to another with a single click. Save resources as a personalised list using Add to Favourites, and view bookmarked resources at My Cosnautas.

The Internet offers biomedical translators and writers a vast range of resources, under constant renovation and expansion. Because of the sheer volume involved, the quality and suitability of resources varies greatly. In consequence, the team that compiles Árbol de Cos gives priority to quality and suitability over exhaustiveness. Bear in mind that this resource is incomplete by its very nature, and, like the Internet, it is under constant renovation and expansion. We are aware that there may be major gaps in this database, and warmly invite users to make suggestions for new resources, and thus help the Árbol de Cos blossom further.

Note: We are working on a grading system to reflect the relevance and quality of resources. It is still a work in progress.


We are very grateful to María Hernández Weigand and Fernando Campos Leza for their invaluable help.

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