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Big German-Spanish Medical Dictionary

Fernando A. Navarro
Version 1.16; November 2024

What sort of words does the dictionary contain? Every conceivable sort: technical terms, colloquial expressions and slang, nomenclatures, multi-word units, abbreviations, archaisms, etc.

Equipped with a powerful search engine for browsing by words that start or end with certain letters, by German or Spanish terms, and other options.

Medizin contains more than 247,900 entries, 373,000 equivalents, 82,300 clickable cross references..., and there’s room for growth!
It has over 22,400 abbreviations, including some 4,800 English and 2,300 Latin abbreviations commonly encountered in German medical texts.



Even without considering the Dictionary of doubts and difficulties in English medical translation (referred to hereafter as Libro rojo) on Cosnautas, medical translators who work out of English have always had excellent English monolingual medical dictionaries (Dorland, Stedman, Churchill), a good selection of bilingual medical dictionaries (almost all of which are hefty volumes and some of a very decent quality), endless online monolingual and bilingual glossaries, mountains of medical journals in every specialty, the very best—and the most up to date—reference manuals and texts books, the most exhaustive and numerous Wikipedia articles (over five million of them!), the option to readily compile parallel texts and huge corpora, and a long etcetera. Without a doubt, medical translators can deal confidently with terminology doubts in English, without even opening the Libro rojo once.

It is quite a different situation, however, for those who have to translate French or German into Spanish (not to mention other less common international source languages, such as Russian, Japanese, Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese or Dutch). Since the Second World War, the panorama of publications in Spanish-speaking countries in all language pairs except English-Spanish has been bleak to the point of becoming lexicographically barren, a classification that I dare to use without even exaggerating. This depressing scenario is particularly notorious in the German-Spanish language pair, despite the fundamental role that German-speaking countries played in medicine and other biosciences in the 20th century.

German-Spanish medical dictionaries have indeed been published over these years, but they leave much to be desired and are unable to solve most of the terminological doubts that crop up in a specialist translator’s work.1 When I started ruminating on the idea of compiling a German-Spanish medical dictionary, it immediately became clear that the German-Spanish language pair (like the French-Spanish pair) was not mature enough from a terminological perspective to consider writing another Libro rojo with a broad critical approach to tackle specific doubts and difficulties. What was needed, first and foremost, was to compile a big, traditional-style German-Spanish medical dictionary with simple equivalents and with a bare minimum of encyclopaedic and explanatory comments.

1 Fernando A. Navarro: «Diccionarios médicos alemán-español: ¿cuál me compro?» In: Elena Sánchez Trigo and Oscar Diaz Fouces (editors): Traducción & Comunicación, vol. 4. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo, 2003; pp. 85‑120.

General approach

What should this sort of dictionary contain? Everything; absolutely everything. Not only medical technical terms commonly found in specialised dictionaries, but also medical colloquial expressions and slang (which is so prominent in German), scientific terms in English and Latin, standardised nomenclatures, multi-word units and collocations, technical acronyms, contractions and abbreviations, relevant jobs and positions, anthroponyms, toponyms, and proper names of scientific journals, hospitals, universities, associations and institutions of all kinds; not forgetting archaisms (such as Ophthalmiater for ophthalmologist or optician), since a large part of current German to Spanish medical translation is related to articles and books published in the heroic age of Germanic medicine (broadly between 1850 and the beginning of the Second World War), when more discoveries and breakthroughs were reported in German than in all other languages put together. In short, such a dictionary should contain any term that a medical translator might encounter in a German source text.

With the Big German-Spanish medical dictionary, my aim is to make it the biggest bilingual medical dictionary ever published in our setting. However, it is not a dictionary with critical analyses and comments like the Libro rojo; it is a simple bilingual dictionary of German-Spanish equivalents. That means that users (professional medical translators) must have a reasonable knowledge of medical language in Spanish. When, for example, a translator searches for a term such as Loslassschmerz and finds the Spanish equivalent “signo de Blumberg”, he or she needs to be familiar with this sign already, or at least know where to find it in a text book or good monolingual Spanish medical dictionary. Similarly, in the case of polysemic entries, users will frequently have to rely on their background knowledge to select the most suitable equivalent, depending on the context. When, for example, the dictionary states that the German particle Röntgen– is related to radiology, radiographs and radioscopy, it is presumed that users will be able to distinguish between these three concepts in Spanish, or as in the previous example, at least know where to look them up.

Dictionary structure

Almost all the entries in this dictionary follow one of the five structures below:

1) Monosemic entry with a single equivalent (with or without comments)

2) Polysemic entry with several meanings (with or without comments)

3) Entry with one or more cross references to another entry that supplies a translation equivalent

4) Mixed polysemic entry, with some meanings that provide equivalents and others that refer to another entry

5) Monosemic or polysemic entry that also includes multi-word units

Dictionary size

Version 1.16 of the Big German-Spanish medical dictionary contains some 248,000 entries with more than 373,000 equivalents (as meanings and multi-word units that are listed in a single entry) and about 82,300 clickable cross references.

To get a rough idea of the magnitude of these numbers, let me share a brief comparison of three of the leading monolingual German medical dictionaries (Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch,1 Springer Wörterbuch Medizin2 and Roche Lexikon Medizin,3 with about 50,000 to 60,000 entries each), two small, current, bilingual dictionaries (by Nolte-Schlegel4 and Tamayo Delgado,5 with about 4,000 and 25,000 entries, respectively) and the dictionary (by Ruiz Snr. and Jnr.,1 with about 130,000 entries) that has generally been held as the biggest German-Spanish medical dictionary to date, until, that is, the launch of the Big German-Spanish medical dictionary.

Another simple way to compare sizes is to count the number of entries that start with Arznei- in each of the aforementioned dictionaries (figures in square brackets): Pschyrembel [15], Springer [19], Roche [14], Nolte [0], Tamayo [9] and Ruiz [65]. The Big German-Spanish medical dictionary on Cosnautas currently has more than two hundred entries starting with Arznei–.

It should be noted that the dictionary is incomplete at present. It is still being compiled, still growing, and still being perfected. For example, I am currently working on about 6,000 entries that appear online with only the headword and cross references, and without the Spanish equivalents, meanings or multi-word units. They are marked as «entrada en elaboración» (“entry under development”). I plan to progressively add new headwords and meanings to the dictionary, and these additions will become available when updated versions are released on Cosnautas. I would be grateful for all the help that users can provide through the online “Help us improve" forms, by suggesting new entries or meanings and, above all, correcting the many typos and errors present in this first edition of the Big German-Spanish medical dictionary, because in its current state it is little more than a working draft.

2 Christopher Zink (ed.). Pschyrembel: Klinisches Wörterbuch mit klinischen Syndromen und Nomina anatomica (259th edition). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2001.

3 Peter Reuter. Springer Wörterbuch Medizin. Berlin: Springer, 2001.

4 Dagmar Reiche (ed.). Roche Lexikon Medizin (5th edition). Munich: Urban & Fischer, 2003.

5 Nolte-Schlegel, I.; González Soler, J. J. Medizinisches Wörterbuch deutsch-spanisch-portugiesisch. Diccionario de medicina alemán-español-portugués. Dicionário de termos médicos alemão-espanhol-português. Berlin: Springer, 2001.

6 Tamayo Delgado, J. Medizinisches Wörterbuch deutsch-spanisch. Diccionario médico alemán-español. Essen: DZS, undated (2000?).

Complex forms

Multi-word units do not have their own entries in this dictionary; they are listed below the first noun or main element that they contain. For example, the multi-word unit hintere Wurzel der Ansa cervicalis is listed in the entry for Wurzel, and frei erhältlich comes under the entry for erhältlich.

At present, the dictionary has about 15,100 entries containing more than 58,100 multi-word units. In most cases, entries have fewer than a dozen multi-word units, as can be seen, for example, in the entries for Kreislauf and Ruhr. However, there are about a thousand entries with more than twelve multi-word units each, and a hundred or so extreme cases with more than fifty multi-word units (and in fact more than three hundred on some occasions). See, for example, the entries for Glandula and Mittel.

Acronyms, abbreviations, and symbols

The dictionary currently has over 21,200 abbreviations, most of which are German, but it also includes some 6,600 English and 2,300 Latin abbreviations that are commonly used in German medical texts.

I certainly have no intention of making the Big German-Spanish medical dictionary an English medical abbreviation resource. To start with, it would be a Herculean task: an abbreviation such as ACP would have to cover the full range of national institutions in English-speaking countries, including the American College of Pathologists, American College of Pharmacists, American College of Physicians, American College of Prosthodontists, and American College of Psychiatrists. I have, however, tried to include English abbreviations that are frequently found as such in German medical texts. Some abbreviations, of course, are easily confused: FP may mean Frischplasma in German, but also frozen plasma in English; URQ may mean unterer rechter Quadrant in German, but also upper right quadrant in English.

If the expansion of an abbreviation or acronym has its own entry in the dictionary, it has a clickable cross reference; otherwise the expansion is provided in German [de] (or English [en], Latin [la] or French [fr]), along with its Spanish equivalent. Below are some examples of a range of cases:

Many of these acronyms may of course have multiple meanings in German texts (and may even be a source of confusion in a single specialty: SGTT may mean Standardglukosetoleranztest or Steroidglukosetoleranztest), which is why these entries sometimes contain a long list of meanings. Examples of this type of entry are AP (with 60 meanings) and E (with 75 meanings), to name but two.

Usage guide

Browse the Big German-Spanish medical dictionary online with a search engine that offers six search modes:

1. Simple search

This is the default option to search for a dictionary entry. After typing two or more letters, a drop-down menu appears with the first ten entries in the dictionary that start with the given letter combination. Autocomplete the entry by clicking the corresponding word when it appears in the drop-down list.

Note: all dictionary entries use the Swiss alphabet, which lacks the letter ß (Eszett). To search for an entry that contains ß, insert a double ‘s’: ss. For example, the terms beißen, Fuß and Gesäß, appear in the dictionary as beissen, Fuss and Gesäss, respectively.

2. Headword starts with...

This mode performs a search for a combination of at least four characters at the beginning of a word. For example, typing “haut” in this search mode returns a list of words such as Hautabdeckung, Hautabdruck, Hautabhebung, Hautablederung, Hautablegergeschwulst, Hautablösung, Hautablösungsinstrument

3. Headword ends with…

This mode performs a search for a combination of at least four characters at the end of a word. For example, typing “haut” in this search mode returns a list of words such as Abszesshaut, Aderhaut, Afterhaut, Aknehaut, Alligatorhaut, Altershaut, Alveolarschleimhaut

4. Headword contains…

This mode performs a search for a combination of at least four characters in any part of a word. For example, typing “haut” in this search mode returns a list of all words that start with Haut– (see search mode 2 above), end with –haut (see search mode 3 above) and those that contain the combination –haut– inside the word (Abbe-Hautlappen, Aderhautablösung, Afterschleimhauteinriss, Aorteninnenhautentzündung, Augenbindehautsack, Bachmann-Hauttest, Backenschleimhautverwachsung…).

5. German term

This search mode returns results not only from the main body of the dictionary but also from expanded abbreviations and multi-word units. Thus, entering “haut” in this search mode returns not only the dictionary entry Haut, but also the abbreviation PTH (prozentuale Tiefendosis in der Haut) and the dictionary entry Angionekrose (containing the multi-word unit allergische Angionekrose der Haut), as well as other results.

6. Spanish term

The Big German-Spanish medical dictionary is not designed to be used as a reverse Spanish-German medical dictionary, nor do I recommend its use for Spanish to German translations. However, this search mode allows results to be found for Spanish equivalents anywhere in the dictionary. For example, a search for “pancreatitis” in Spanish not only returns entries such as Pankreatitis (= pancreatitis), Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung (= pancreatitis), Autoimmunpankreatitis (= pancreatitis autoinmunitaria) and Viruspankreatitis (= pancreatitis vírica), but also entries such as Apoplexia (containing the multi-word unit Apoplexia pancreatis = pancreatitis hemorrágica aguda) and abbreviations such as CBP (chronische bakterielle Pankreatitis = pancreatitis bacteriana crónica) and NP (nekrotisierendes Pankreatitis = pancreatitis necrosante).



I have received proposals for additions and corrections from the following cosnauts:

Version 1.16: Yolanda Antón Casanova, Juan Cuartero Otal, Isabel M. Martos Maldonado, Lorenzo Serrahima.

Version 1.15: Sarah Jane Aberásturi, Juan Cuartero Otal, Dorothea Ernst, Silvia Gómez de Antonio, Gisela Grosselfinger, Mónica Meinecke, Blanca Paniagua Marco, Lorenzo Serrahima.

Version 1.14: Sarah Jane Aberásturi, Juan Cuartero Otal, Dorothea Ernst, Mónica Herrero Vilella, María José Nägler, Lorenzo Serrahima.

Version 1.13: Yolanda Antón Casanova, Silvia Gómez de Antonio, Juan Miguel López Almazán, Rafael Milanés, Cati Mora, Itziar Santín, Lorenzo Serrahima, Paula Torres.

Version 1.12: Silvia Gómez de Antonio, Gisela Grosselfinger, Rafael Milanés, Lorenzo Serrahima, Montserrat Varela Navarro.

Version 1.11: Silvia Gómez de Antonio, Josef Strasser.

Version 1.10: Francisco Bautista Becerro, Francisco Hernández, Sarah Rodríguez Vasconcelos, Marga Vidal Hammer.

Versión 1.09: Yolanda Antón Casanova, Sara Costa, Cristina Estrada, Carlos Gancedo Sempere, Camelia Ionescu Mircea, Mónica Meinecke, Laura Munoa, Manuel Muñoz Torres, Fabiola Peinado Peinado, Lorenzo Serrahima, Marga Vidal Hammer.

Versión 1.08: Gonzalo Astorga, María Barbero, Francisco Bautista Becerro, Cristina Estrada, Hang Ferrer Mora, Carlos Gancedo Sempere, M.ª del Mar González Peña, Francisco Hernández, Mónica Herrero Vilella, Mónica Meinecke, Angelica Mendoza, Pedro Milla González, Lorenzo Serrahima, Marga Vidal Hammer.

Version 1.07: Yolanda Antón Casanova, Mónica Meinecke, Pedro Milla González, Carmen Quijada, Michael Scholand, Lorenzo Serrahima, Margarita Vidal Hammer.

Version 1.06: Ana F. Aguilera, Yolanda Antón Casanova, María Barbero, Cristina Estrada, Francisco Hernández, Camelia Ionescu Mircea, Mónica Meinecke, Lorenzo Serrahima.

Version 1.05: Isabel Espuelas, Francisco Hernández, Camelia Ionescu Mircea, Mónica Parcet.

Version 1.04: M.ª del Mar González Peña, Camelia Ionescu Mircea.

Version 1.03: Denitsa Borisova, Ariadna Domínguez Montiel, Isabel Espuelas, Carlos Gancedo, Cristina Goebel Vázquez, Francisco Hernández, Camelia Ionescu Mircea, Lorenzo Serrahima, Miguel Á. Turrión.

Version 1.02: Isabel Espuelas, Cristina Estrada, Carlos Gancedo, Silvia Gómez de Antonio, Francisco Hernández, Mónica Meinecke, M.ª Gabriela Ortiz, Ana Pérez Coelho, Virginia Renalias Esteve, Lorenzo Serrahima, Josef Strasser.

Scientific Advisory Board (2017-2021)

The Big German-Spanish Medical Dictionary has a single author, but the sheer scope of the project led me to count initially on the support of a Scientific Advisory Board. This consultancy group was made up of colleagues who have sound German-Spanish knowledge and broad experience in translating texts in medical and related scientific fields. Their mission was to help me correct errors, corroborate complex or dubious equivalents and suggest new terms and meanings to add to the dictionary.

Medizin's 1st Scientific Advisory Board (May 2017-May 2019; versions 1.01 to 1.05): María Barbero, Jesús Clemente, Isabel Espuelas, Cristina Estrada, Juan V. Fernández de la Gala, Montse Fontboté, Carlos Gancedo, Francisco Hernández, Martin Kuhn, M.ª Gabriela Ortiz, Mónica Parcet, Carmen Quijada, Tenesor Rodríguez Perdomo, Miguel Sáenz, Lorenzo Serrahima and Miguel Turrión.

Medizin's 2nd Scientific Advisory Board (November 2019-November 2021; versions 1.06 to 1.09): Yolanda Antón Casanova, María Barbero, Isabel Espuelas, Cristina Estrada, Hang Ferrer Mora, Carlos Gancedo, Francisco Hernández, Javier Mas, Mónica Meinecke, M.ª Gabriela Ortiz, Carmen Quijada, Tenesor Rodríguez Perdomo, Miguel Sáenz, Belén Santana, Lorenzo Serrahima and Miguel Turrión.


Dictionaries, encyclopaedias and text books in German

Ahrens, Gerhard: Medizinisches und naturwissenschaftliches Latein (2nd edition). Leipzig: Langenscheidt, 1992.

Beckers, Heinz: Abkürzungslexikon medizinischer Begriffe (einschl. Randgebiete) (8th edition). Cologne: Arzt + Information, 2015. Updated version online: <>.

Brüschke, Gerhard (editor): Handbuch der inneren Erkrankungen. Stuttgart: Fischer, 1985.

Dressler, Stephan; Zink, Christoph (editors): Pschyrembel Wörterbuch Sexualität. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2003.

Ebel, Siegfried; Roth, Hermann J. (editors): Lexikon der Pharmazie. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1987.

Grönemeyer, Dietrich: Grönemeyers Lexikon der Medizin. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2015.

Krüger, Gerhard: Der anatomische Wortschatz (8th edition). Leipzig: Hirzel, 1964.

Leiber, Bernfried; Olbrich, Gertrud: Die klinischen Syndrome (4th edition). Munich: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1966.

Reiche, Dagmar (editor): Roche Lexikon Medizin (5th edition). Munich: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 2003.

Reuter, Peter: Springer Wörterbuch Medizin. Berlin: Springer, 2001.

Rinck, Peter A.; Zink, Christoph (editors): Taschenwörterbuch Magnetresonanztomographie. Berlin: ABW, 2005.

Roloff, Wilhelm. Tuberkulose-Lexikon für Ärzte und Behörden (2nd edition). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme, 1949.

Schwiegk, H. (editor): Handbuch der inneren Medizin (5th edition). Berlin: Springer, 1968-1989.

Von Bergmann, G.; Frey, W.; Schwiegk, H. (editors): Handbuch der inneren Medizin (4th edition). Berlin: Springer, 1952-1960.

Von Normann, Reinhard: Deutsch-medizinisch: Das umgekehrte Medizin-Wörterbuch. Frankfurt: Eichborn, 1987.

Wikimedia Deutschland: Wikipedia – Die freie Enzyklopädie. <>.

Zink, Christoph (editor): Schering Lexikon Radiologie (3rd edition). Berlin: ABW, 2005.

Dictionaries, glossaries and other bilingual and multilingual resources

Altmann, Miriam: «Genkartierung (DE-FR)». Lebende Sprachen (Berlin), 2000; 45: 30-31.

Boss, Norbert (editor): Diccionario médico Roche (translation from German coordinated by C. Soler-Argilaga). Barcelona: Doyma, 1993.

Bundessprachenamt – Bundeswehr: Corona-Glossar in sieben Sprachen (Deutsch-Englisch-Französisch-Spanisch-Russisch-Polnisch-Niederländisch). 2020. <>.

Bunjes, Werner E.: Wörterbuch der Medizin und Pharmazeutik. Deutsch-Englisch (3rd edition). Stuttgart: Thieme, 1981.

Chabás López, José: Diccionario alemán-español de terminología química, farmacéutica y bioquímica. Barcelona: Rauter, 1953.

Clairville, Alexandre L.: Dictionnaire polyglotte des termes médicaux: français-anglais-allemand-latin (2nd edition). Paris: Sipuco, 1953.

Cole, Theodor C. H.: Wörterbuch der Biologie – Dictionary of Biology Deutsch-Englisch, English-German (4.ª edición). Berlín: Springer Spektrum, 2015.

Damm, Ralf-Reiner: Prostatakrebs-bezogene Abkürzungen und Fachausdrücke Deutsch und Englisch. [Last update, July 2011] <>.

Deutsches Institut für Normung: Wörterbuch der physikalisch-technischen Begriffe der medizinischen Radiologie. Französisch – Englisch – Deutsch. DIN-Fachbericht 22. Berlín: Beuth, 1986.

Dräger, Herbert: Abkürzungen und Begriffe in der Medizin. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1992.

Dellweg, Hanswerner; Schmid, Rolf D.; Trommer, Wolfgang E.: Römpp Lexikon Biotechnologie. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1992.

European Pharmacopoeia Commission: Standard terms: pharmaceutical dosage forms; routes of administration; containers. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2000.

Feneis, Heinz: Anatomisches Bildwörterbuch der internationalen Nomenklatur (7th edition). Stuttgart: Thieme, 1993.

Feneis, Heinz: Nomenclatura anatómica ilustrada (3rd edition; translated from German by Víctor Götzens García and Jacinto Ventura Queija). Barcelona: Masson-Salvat, 1994.

Fouchier, J.; Billet, M.: Chemical dictionary – Dictionnaire de chimie – Fachwörterbuch für Chemie (2nd edition). Amsterdam: Netherlands University Press, 1961.

Franscini-Paiva, Ana V.: Wörterbuch der Zahnmedizin Spanisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Spanisch. Diccionario de odontología español-alemán, alemán-español. Berlin: Quintessenz, 1991.

Guardiola, Pia Marina; Gruber, Ulrich F.: Wie sagt’s der Arzt auf Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch und Englisch? Berne: Hans Huber, 1985.

Hahn, Franz; Heller, Eric: Krankenhaus-Fachwörterbuch deutsch-französisch – Dictionnaire Hôpital français-allemand. Heidelberg: Decker, 1999.

Hanns, Luiz Alberto: Diccionario de términos alemanes de Freud (versión española de Sara Hassan). Buenos Aires: Lumen, 2001.

Heister, Rolf: Lexikon medizinisch-wissenschaftlicher Abkürzungen (4th edition). Stuttgart: Schattauer, 1998.

Höllige, Christine: «Glossar der Ultraschalldiagnostik (D-S)». Lebende Sprachen (Berlin), 1988; 33: 119-125.

Meyers, Milton K. (editor): Lang’s German-English dictionary of terms used in medicine and the allied sciences (2nd edition). Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1913.

Nake, José W.: Diccionario alemán-español. Terminología de ciencias médicas, químicas, etc. Madrid: Javier Morata, 1930.

Nolte-Schlegel, Irmgard; González Soler, Joan José: Medizinisches Wörterbuch deutsch-spanisch-portugiesisch. Diccionario de medicina alemán-español-portugués. Dicionário de termos médicos alemão-espanhol-português. Berlin: Springer, 2001.

Omeñaca, Carlos: «Glossar Abwasserreinigung (DE-SP)». Lebende Sprachen (Berlin), 2001; 46: 32‑37.

PONS Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Spanisch. <übersetzung/deutsch-spanisch>.

Reuter, Peter; Reuter, Christine: Thieme Leximed. Medizinisches Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme, 1999.

Ruiz Torres, Francisco: Diccionario alemán-español de medicina. Madrid: Alhambra, 1960.

Ruiz Torres, Francisco; Ruiz Albrecht, Francisco: Diccionario de medicina alemán-español, español-alemán. Medizinisches Wörterbuch deutsch-spanisch, spanisch-deutsch. Valladolid: Zirtabe, 2001.

Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft - Bundeskanzlei - Zentrale Sprachdienste: Covid-19-Terminologie. Berna, 2021. 

Schober, Paul: Medizinisches Wörterbuch der deutschen und französischen Sprache. Dictionnaire médical des langues allemande et française (6th edition). Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1942.

Slabý, Rudolf J.; Grossmann, Rudolf; Illig, Carlos: Wörterbuch der spanischen und deutschen Sprache – Diccionario de las lenguas española y alemana (5th edition). Wiesbaden: Brandstetter, 1999.

Stömmer, Ulrike: Le français médical. Lehr- und Übungsbuch zur Vorbereitung auf die klinische Tätigkeit im französischsprachigen Ausland. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1995.

Sube, Ralf: Wörterbuch Srahlenschutz · Strahlenbiologie · Nuklearmedizin, englisch-deutsch-französisch-russisch. Essen: Girardet, 1985.

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Wagner, Richard; Wagner, Vera. «Kleines Glosssar zur In-vitro-Fertilisation». Lebende Sprachen (Berlin), 2000; 45: 72-75.

Wormanns, Dag; Hamer, Okka W.: «Glossar thoraxradiologischer Begriffe entsprechend der Terminologie der Fleischner Society». Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und bildgebenden Verfahren, 2015; 187: 638-661.

Medical and scientific journals in German

Abhängigkeiten [Lausanne]: 1995-2002.

Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie (AINS) [Stuttgart]: 1992-2002.

Aktuelle Endokrinologie (und Stoffwechsel) [Stuttgart]: 1980-1993.

Aktuelle Gerontologie [Stuttgart]: 1981-1983.

Aktuelle Neurologie [Stuttgart]: 1974-2002.

Der Anaesthesist [Berlin]: 1970-2002.

Annales Nestlé (Deutsche Ausgabe) [Vevey]: 1949-2002.

Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Arbeitshygiene [Stuttgart]: 1966-1972.

Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin [Stuttgart]: year 1973.

Archiv der Pharmazie [Weinheim]: 1972-2002.

Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung [Vienna]: 1957-1974.

Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis [Berlin]: 1948-1955.

Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie [Leipzig]: 1873-1925.

Archiv für Gynäkologie [Berlin]: 1950-1978.

Archiv für klinische Medizin [Munich]: 1966-1969.

Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Forschung [Berlin]: 1955-1970.

Archiv für Mikrobiologie [Berlin]: 1965-1973.

Ars Medici [Neuhausen]: 1976-2002.

Arzneimittel-Forschung [Aulendorf]: 1951-2002.

Ärztliche Forschung [Munich]: 1947-1972.

Das ärztliche Laboratorium [Berlin]: 1962-1991.

Ärztliche Praxis [Munich]: 2000-2002.

Ärztliche Wochenschrift [Berlin]: 1946-1960.

Beiträge zur Pathologie [Stuttgart]: 1970-1977.

Beiträge zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Pathologie [Stuttgart]: 1954-1969.

Berichte Pathologie [Berlin]: 1982-1996.

Berichte Physiologie, physiologische Chemie und Pharmakologie [Berlin]: 1970-1979.

Berichte über die allgemeine und spezielle Pathologie [Berlin]: 1950-1982.

Berichte über die gesamte Biologie: Abteilung B Berichte über die gesamte Physiologie und experimentelle Pharmakologie [Berlin]: 1926-1969.

Bild der Wissenschaft [Stuttgart]: 1990-2002.

Biochemische Zeitschrift [Berlin]: 1906-1967.

Blut [Berlin]: 1955-1990.

Chemotherapie-Journal [Stuttgart]: 1995-2002.

Correspondenz-Blatt für schweizer Ärzte [Basel]: 1896-1919.

Dermatologie im Bild [Basel]: 1986-2002.

Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (DMW) [Stuttgart]: 1917-2002.

Deutsches Archiv für klinische Medizin [Munich]: 1948-1965.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt Ausgabe B [Cologne]: 1979-1993.

Diagnose und Labor Laboratoriumsblätter [Marburg]: 1985-1995.

Drogalkohol [Lausanne]: 1986-1994.

Endokrinologie [Leipzig]: 1967-1982.

Folia Psychopractica (Deutsche Ausgabe) [Basel]: 1977-1986.

Forum Mikrobiologie [Darmstadt]: 1979-1990.

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde [Stuttgart]: 1967-2002.

Die gelben Hefte [Marburg]: 1975-2002.

Geriatrie Praxis [Munich]: 1991-1999.

Der Gynäkologe [Berlin]: 1968-2002.

H+G: Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten [Berlin]: 1989-2002.

Der Hautarzt [Berlin]: 1950-2002.

Helvetica chirurgica Acta [Basel]: 1945-1994.

Helvetica medica Acta [Basel]: 1934-1974.

Helvetica paediatrica Acta [Basel]: 1945-1989.

Helvetica physiologica et pharmacologica Acta [Basel]: 1943-1969.

Herz [Munich]: 1976-2002.

Herz Kreislauf [Munich]: 1973-2000.

Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie [Berlin]: 1895-1984.

Der informierte Arzt [Neu-Isenburg]: 1974-1986.

Intensivmedizin (und Notfallmedizin) [Darmstadt]: 1972-2002.

Internationale Zeitschrift für Vitaminforschung [Berne]: 1947-1970.

Der Internist [Berlin]: 1960-2002.

Journal für praktische Chemie [Leipzig]: 1869-2000.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie [Leipzig]: 1876-1978.

Klinische Medizin [Vienna]: 1946-1951.

Klinische Wochenschrift [Berlin]: 1922-1991.

Klinisches Labor [Heidelberg]: 1991-1996.

Krankenhaus-Apotheke [Stuttgart]: 1955-1980.

Krankenhauspharmazie [Stuttgart]: 1980-1982.

Krebsinformation [Berne]: 1969-1981.

Laboratoriumsblätter Medizinische Diagnostik [Marburg]: 1975-1984.

Laboratoriumsmedizin [Mainz]: 1983-2002.

Leber, Magen, Darm [Munich]: 1971-1988.

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie [Weinheim]: 1979-1994.

Management und Krankenhaus [Weinheim]: 1992-2002.

Medical Tribune (Ausgabe für Deutschland) [Wiesbaden]: 1992-2002.

Medical Tribune (Ausgabe für Österreich) [Wiesbaden]: 1992-2002.

Medical Tribune (Ausgabe für die Schweiz) [Basel]: 1992-2002.

Medizinische Klinik [Munich]: 1976-2002.

Das Medizinische Laboratorium [Stuttgart]: 1962-1982.

Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten [Stuttgart]: 1978-1999.

Das medizinische Periskop [Ingelheim]: 1950-1966.

Die medizinische Welt [Stuttgart]: 1927-2002.

Medizinischer Monatsspiegel [Darmstadt]: 1953-1967.

Moderne Medizin [Erlangen]: 1978-1985.

Monatshefte für Chemie (und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften) [Vienna]: 1880-2002.

Monatsschrift für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie [Basel]: 1939-1945.

Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie [Basel]: 1939-1956.

Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift (MMW) [Munich]: 1906-2002.

Naturwissenschaften [Berlin]: 1913-2002.

Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau [Stuttgart]: 1966-2002.

Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für (experimentelle Pathologie und) Pharmakologie [Berlin]: 1926-1971.

Der Nervenarzt [Berlin]: 1974-2002.

Onkologie [Basel]: 1978-1997.

Pflügers Archiv [Berlin]: 1947-1970.

Pharmakopsychiatrie, Neuro-Psychopharmakologie [Stuttgart]: 1968-1980.

Pharmazie [Berlin]: 1946-2002.

Pharmazie in unserer Zeit [Weinheim]: 1972-2002.

Praxis v. Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin

Psychiatrische Praxis [Stuttgart]: 1976-2002.

Psycho [Ballingen]: 1981-2002.

Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie, (Neurochirurgie) und Psychiatrie [Zurich]: 1923-2002.

Schweizerische Ärztezeitung [Berne]: 1954-2002.

Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift (SMW) [Basel]: 1955-2000.

Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin (Praxis) [Berne]: 1915-2002.

Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose (und Pneumologie) [Basel]: 1944-1961.

Sexualmedizin [Basel]: 1992-2002.

Sozial- und Präventivmedizin [Solothurn]: 1990-2002.

Spektrum der Wissenschaft [Heildelberg]: 1978-2002.

Therapeutische Montashefte [Berlin]: 1887-1919.

Therapeutische Umschau [Berne]: 1944-2002.

Therapie der Gegenwart [Munich]: 1904-1993.

Therapie des Monats [Mannheim]: 1951-1963.

Therapiewoche [Karlsruhe]: 1950-1996.

Der Urologe [Berlin]: 1962-2002.

Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für innere Medizin [Munich]: 1965-1991.

Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Kreislaufforschung [Darmstadt]: 1933-1958.

Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie [Berlin]: 1980-1995.

Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie [Stuttgart]: 1951-1980.

Wiener klinische Wochenschrift (WKW) [Vienna]: 1916-2002.

Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift [Vienna]: 1946-2002.

Zeitschrift für allgemeine Mikrobiologie, Morphologie, Physiologie und Ökologie der Mikroorganismen [Berlin]: 1960-1984.

Zeitschrift für antimikrobielle, antineoplastische Chemotherapie (ZAC) [Munich]: 1983-1993.

Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft [Darmstadt]: 1960-1998.

Zeitschrift für experimentelle Pathologie und Therapie [Berlin]: 1904-1921.

Zeitschrift für experimentelle (und angewandte) Psychologie [Göttingen]: 1970-2002.

Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie [Gräfelfing]: 1963-2002.

Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie [Stuttgart]: 1967-1971.

Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie [Stuttgart]: 1995-2002.

Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Perinatologie [Stuttgart]: 1972-1994.

Zeitschrift für Gerontologie (und Geriatrie) [Darmstadt]: 1984-2002.

Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin [Berlin]: 1953-1971.

Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete [Leipzig]: 1946-1952.

Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten [Berlin]: 1975-1988.

Zeitschrift für Kardiologie [Darmstadt]: 1973-1998.

Zeitschrift für klinische Chemie (und klinische Biochemie) [Berlin]: 1963-1975.

Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung (und klinische Onkologie) [Berlin]: 1944-1978.

Zeitschrift für Kreislaufforschung [Darmstadt]: 1966-1972.

Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde [Berlin]: 1962-1986.

Zeitschrift für Rheumaforschung [Darmstadt]: 1951-1973.

Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie [Darmstadt]: 1974-2002.

Zeitschrift für Unfallmedizin, (Versicherungsmedizin) und Berufskrankheiten [Berne]: 1943-1994.

Zeitschrift für Vitaminforschung [Berne]: 1932-1947.

Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie [Berlin]: 1958-1974.

Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten (und Hygiene) [Stuttgart]: 1887-1979.

Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie [Leipzig]: 1967-2002.

Zentralblatt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin [Stuttgart]: 1989-1999.

Zentralblatt für Pharmazie, Pharmakotherapie und Laboratoriumsdiagnostik [Berlin]: 1971-1991.

Zentralblatt für Phlebologie [Berne]: 1962-1971.


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